% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Imprint
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Imprint - ορισμός

Draft:The Gifted (season 2); EMergence; UnMoored; CoMplications; OutMatched (The Gifted episode); AfterMath; IMprint; No Mercy (The Gifted); The dreaM; GaMe changer; EneMy of My eneMy; MeMento; HoMe (The Gifted); TeMpted; CalaMity; Monsters (The Gifted); OMens
If something leaves an imprint on a place or on your mind, it has a strong and lasting effect on it.
The city bears the imprint of Japanese investment...
N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of/on n
When something is imprinted on your memory, it is firmly fixed in your memory so that you will not forget it.
The skyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory...
He repeated the names, as if to imprint them in his mind...
VERB: be V-ed on/in n, V n on/in n
An imprint is a mark or outline made by the pressure of one object on another.
The ground still bore the imprints of their feet.
If a surface is imprinted with a mark or design, that mark or design is printed on the surface or pressed into it.
Stationery can be imprinted with your message or logo...
VERB: usu passive, be V-ed with/on n
Draft:The Gifted (season 2); EMergence; UnMoored; CoMplications; OutMatched (The Gifted episode); AfterMath; IMprint; No Mercy (The Gifted); The dreaM; GaMe changer; EneMy of My eneMy; MeMento; HoMe (The Gifted); TeMpted; CalaMity; Monsters (The Gifted); OMens
1) to bear an imprint (to bear the imprint of genius)
2) to leave one's imprint on
Draft:The Gifted (season 2); EMergence; UnMoored; CoMplications; OutMatched (The Gifted episode); AfterMath; IMprint; No Mercy (The Gifted); The dreaM; GaMe changer; EneMy of My eneMy; MeMento; HoMe (The Gifted); TeMpted; CalaMity; Monsters (The Gifted); OMens
·vt To fix indelibly or permanently, as in the mind or memory; to Impress.
II. Imprint ·vt To Impress; to mark by pressure; to Indent; to Stamp.
III. Imprint ·vt To stamp or mark, as letters on paper, by means of type, plates, stamps, or the like; to print the mark (figures, letters, ·etc., upon something).
IV. Imprint ·vt Whatever is impressed or imprinted; the impress or mark left by something; specifically, the name of the printer or publisher (usually) with the time and place of issue, in the title-page of a book, or on any printed sheet.


Imprint or imprinting may refer to:
Παραδείγματα προφοράς για Imprint
1. imprint of Simon & Schuster.
The Four-Hour Chef _ Tim Ferriss _ Talks at Google
2. imprint of Penguin Random House.
Nikole Hannah-Jones _ Modern Day Segregation _ Talks at Google
3. they're an imprint of Hachette.
Math with Bad Drawings _ Ben Orlin _ Talks at Google
4. an acclaimed imprint that was later acquired
5. publishing contract with Random House's imprint
Roadtrip Nation _ Mike Marriner & Nathan Gebhard _ Talks at Google
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Imprint
1. "American Idol" also continues to deepen its pop culture imprint.
2. Violence on your doorstep leaves a lasting imprint.
3. Published by ReganBooks, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
4. How can you take an imprint of that?" And the harm in trying?
5. Each wave left its linguistic imprint on the landscape, but the earlier usually won.